Monday, March 06, 2006

out of the loop

I am away at a conference for three days....then back to work for two....then off to Seattle for vacation for a week.

I took the time over the weekend to print out my expenditures for the past two months. Looking over the numbers, I am going to set a few goals to cut down in several areas.

1. Dining Out
2. Gas
3. Entertainment

Now, dining out will face the most drastic cut - I really had no idea how much was going to that! Gas, I won't be able to cut toooo terribly much, but in keeping with my goals to trim down a bit....I am going to aim to ride my bike to work. Not everyday. First, perhaps once a week...we will see from there. It is only about five miles, so this should be ok. Right? right.

We have been good lately with the entertainment, but there was such a variance over the past few months that I want to put a watch on this area and see what is an appropriate amount.

I am trying to start getting on track.

Oh, I also changed my tax info at work to stop giving more to the government than necessary. I opened an HSBC account and got the free $25 dollar deposit and put in about 2500 of my own money. I will take the difference in tax money on my paycheck and deposit that automatically into the HSBC account.

Now all I need to get done this week is to figure out my girlfriend's crazy gradschool taxes. This is not going my way.

I may be very MIA the next few days, but that doesn't mean I will be thinking about this any less.


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