Monday, July 31, 2006

I am bad at raises- Need Help!

So, I work for the government doing web application development. When I got hired on I felt like I should have asked for a bit more. I was a moron. Now, I am getting an assistant..I saw the request form for this position and the salary range was from $11,000 below mine to $1,000 below mine. I would feel pissy even if there were any less than 8,000 below me. I haven't been here a year, but our evaluations are in September and usually being in the government we get a set amount for a raise. Should I talk to my boss? What would you do? I need help.


At 6:37 AM, Blogger mapgirl said...

First of all, do your research. Do you know what's in the budget they could give you for a raise?

Second, do you research again, do they give raises out of cycle? And if they do, what's the pay scale they are going to follow? Do you meet the requirements for the next pay grade?

As far as asking your boss about it, it depends on your relationship. You might want to step out for lunch and have a general conversation about careers and where you are going. Usually compensation comes up in there and that might be a good time to feel out whether or not they are going to go to bat for you and get you more money.

Good luck!

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*check how your salary compares to others on

*let your boss know that since you are going to be in a leadership/management role that has more responsibilities an increase in pay would be justified

*Cross your fingers.

At 8:39 AM, Blogger Revanche said...

No good advice here, just sympathy: I'm terrible at this as well. I forced myself to bite the bullet and discuss the raise and promotion more than once with the boss since April and due to the extreme busy-ness in the office, nothing has happened yet. But I can't help having that feeling that if they really wanted to give me the increase they would have by now, as it's been acknowledged that they agree I deserve it and have earned it.

So maybe it's a matter of a lot of good timing? I think you obviously want to segue into that conversation when he/she are a little more free to make sure they're not going to be staring at your forehead thinking "I don't have time for this!!"


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