Thursday, May 11, 2006

I had to face it.

I shouldn't have student loan debt. My school was paid for from scholarships and my parents paid for my housing. I got involved in a bad relationship and was used and while I take responsibility...I was still very heavily coerced into taking out these loans...and I have nothing to show for it. While that relationship has long been over, the financial scars are very visible. I try not to get too bitter about it. I have learned a lot and perhaps if it wasn't for going through all of that, I wouldn't have forced myself to get a handle on my finances at such a young age. Better to go through it earlier than later, I suppose.

SOO... all that was to say that I have finally put ALL of my accounts in Quicken.
I will post a graphic tomorrow, I didn't think ahead.
The accounts I have are:
Checking, Savings, HSBC, E-Trade, 403b, IRA, Car Loan, Student Loan

The grand total comes out to be -8,000 something.

It'll be ok. I am the one in control of myself, now.

It was reading through the ENTIRE blog of Our Money that encouraged me


At 8:02 AM, Blogger Jessica said...

I'm right there with you...


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