Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ups and Downs

The girlfriend got most of her pastry school costs taken care of through loans. We still have 4,700 to come up with. She has one more person to check with and then our options are:

-put half of that on a credit card with 6% interest and take half out of emergency fund
-put off pastry school (this would not make anyone a happy camper) so, we will see.

Of course we would start shooting 2500 on the credit card first thing and then build back up the emergency fund. It just sucks...but something has to work out.

In GOOD news...
I rode my bike to work! I live 5 miles away and most of that is downhill on the ride in, so we will see how happy about this at about 5 this evening.

We are taking things day by day here. Sometimes it seems like things are just moving along so slow.


At 9:02 AM, Blogger anna said...

I don't know if this helps, but in my city, the little indie coffeeshops/restaurants get their pastry from experienced bakers (if there's not a kitchen on site.) Maybe your gf could work there whilst in school, or start a little biz on the side? One place has speciality desserts that you can only get there. If your gf has a few things that are really great, she can sell them and maybe recoup some of the costs.


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