Tuesday, June 06, 2006

We are getting financial advisors

We met with a financial advisor last week. I was pretty skeptical going in, but I really liked these folks. We talked a little bit about where we wanted to see ourselves and what we wanted to get out of the advising. They told us the many services they offered. (and didn't push any one company's products/services) I really think this is a good thing for us. What about the cost? Well, I was very happy to find out that it is a flat fee for a year. I couldn't believe it. So, I said....well, if I call you with 3 different questions, will that use up my yearly fee. Nope. Flat fee- no matter how much I call - how many meetings - whatever. They took into account our age and lack of money , so it is very reasonable.

They are going to help us:

-find insurance for the girlfriend while she is in pastry school
-get smarter about how we save and how we spend
-work towards our goal of a house
-and much much more :)

One of the advisors is gay and has gone through all the legal stuff with several clients and can also help guide us through that aspect.


I need to update my monthly totals. How about tomorrow :)


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